How to Choose the Right Glasses

CommunityAd Trades - Opticians & Eye Health - an array of different coloured glasses on display

You’ve done your eye test and the time has come for you to choose your glasses. This can be challenging since there are a lot of options to choose from and you don’t want to make the mistake of opting for one that doesn’t compliment your face. If you’ve chosen the wrong type of glasses or you’re about to have an eye test, here’s how you can choose the right glasses for you!

Identify the face shape you have

The first thing you should do to successfully choose the right pair is to identify your face shape. Certain glasses suit certain face shapes and they’ll be able to compliment your face, as well as balance your features. If you don’t know what face shape you have, it’s a good idea to take a picture of your face and trace around it. Once done, you can then choose your perfect frame. Our piece on Choosing the Right Glasses for Your Face Shape is a helpful guide on the type of glasses you should consider!

Choose the colour that suits your skin tone

Since your glasses will be on your face most of the time (unless you have to wear them all the time), you’ll want to choose a frame that suits your skin tone. It’s a good idea to choose glasses that will make your face look bright and emphasise it. So, it’s important to think about the colours that suit you and the colours that don’t. A good way to do this is by looking at your wardrobe and thinking about the colours you always wear.

If you have pale or cool-coloured skin, you’d want to choose frames that are black, grey, blue and maroon. Any dark shade will work too. For those with a warm skin tone, opt for glasses that are pink, red, tan, orange-toned, etc. in colour. If you have dark skin, bright colours are perfect!

Think about your lifestyle

Thinking about your lifestyle also plays a part in helping you choose the right glasses. For example, if you’re very athletic or work in a place where you have to do a lot of labour, you’ll want to choose frames that are durable and will stay on your face. To determine whether a frame is a good choice, make sure they are able to fit on the bridge of your nose first. This means that they’ll be able to stay put, which is crucial if you’re very active or exercise a lot. However, if you frequently go to the beach, soft frames are the ideal choice!

Consider how often you need to wear your glasses

How often you need to wear your glasses also helps you to choose the right frame. If you don’t need to wear your glasses all the time, you can choose ones that are less expensive but still able to compliment your face. For people who have to wear glasses all the time, a more durable frame might be ideal and you can even consider designer brands if you want a fashionable look.

Think about your personal style

Of course, you can’t forget about your personal style when choosing your glasses. Although the points above are important to take note of, you should also think about whether you’re comfortable with the frames. Make sure you take the time to try on all of the glasses that have made it to your shortlist since you’ll want a pair that emphasises who you are.


This is how you can choose the right glasses, which hopefully helps! If you need advice, help or for any enquiries, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our opticians from our directory here. Alternatively, you can also contact our healthcare experts.

If you want to continue to take care of your eyes, have a read through How to Maintain Healthy Eyes.

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