How to Maintain Healthy Eyes

maintain healthy eyes - glasses held up in front of an eye chart

We sometimes take our eyesight for granted by being careless and proceeding to do activities that can damage it. These are activities like continuously using our phones in the dark and not getting enough sleep. Since it’s now summer and we can only hope that the weather remains hot and lush, it’s even more important for us to protect our eyes from the sun’s rays. If you’re worried about poor eyesight, the following points highlight what you should do to maintain healthy eyes.

Make sure you eat a balanced diet

One way to maintain healthy eyes is to have a balanced diet. Having a balanced diet is essential for good eye health, so make sure you eat an assortment of fruit and vegetables, especially citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables. It’s also a good idea to eat nutrients that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, zinc and vitamins C and E. This can help you avoid eye problems that are related to age, such as macular degeneration, as well as cataracts.

Wear sunglasses

This is another way to maintain healthy eyes, especially when you’re out and about in the sun. This is because sunglasses help to protect your eyes from the sun’s UV rays. If your eyes are exposed to a lot of sunlight, it can damage your eyesight and increase your chances of developing eye problems like cataracts, macular degeneration or inflammation of the cornea.

Limit your screen usage

In a world full of technology, we’re looking at a screen everyday. This can be our phone screen, computer/laptop screen or our TV screen. Our eyes seem to always be on the go, so it’s important to give them a rest once in a while. If you don’t rest your eyes, there’s a risk of damaging them. This is because these devices produce high energy blue light waves that can damage your eyes as time passes. However, your eyes can be protected from these blue light waves since most devices nowadays include a blue light filter to help you maintain healthy eyes.

To avoid worsening your eyesight, make sure you take frequent breaks from looking at a screen, keep computer screens 20-24 inches away from your eyes and remember to blink. This will help you maintain healthy eyes.

Wear safety glasses

Wearing safety glasses is another way to maintain a healthy eyesight, especially if you’re doing DIY home projects. This will help you to avoid injuring your eyes and potentially losing your eyesight. Injuries can range from particles entering your eyes to a picture frame falling on top of them. Overall, it’s a sight you don’t want to imagine.

Try to stop smoking

If you’re a smoker, consider stopping to maintain a healthy eyesight, especially if you’re worried about poor eye health. You’re more likely to damage the blood vessels that supply blood and nutrients to your optic nerve if you smoke. Smoking can also increase your chances of developing cataracts and macular degeneration.


These are the points that can help you maintain a healthy eyesight, which hopefully improves the condition of your eyes. If you need advice, or for any enquiries, don’t hesitate to contact any of our opticians from our directory here. Alternatively, you can also consult our healthcare experts from our directory here.

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