5 Ways to Reduce Your Fuel Costs

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If you drive, you’ve probably already spent a fortune on your car, especially if you’re a new driver. If this is the case, you’ll want to know how you can reduce further car costs such as your fuel. For people who see a big loss of money due to fuel, here are the five ways you can reduce it!

1. Make sure your tyres have the correct pressure

It’s important to check your tyres to make sure they’re inflated and have the correct tyre pressure. If your tyre pressure drops (0.4 bar or 6 PSI), this can increase how much fuel your car uses, which means you’ll be spending a lot of money on fuel.

2. Search for cheaper fuel

Fuel costs also depend on the petrol station you go to. Whenever you’re driving around, keep a mental note of the local petrol stations you find and which one offers a cheaper fuel price. If you find a petrol station that seems to be out of your way but has cheaper fuel, it might actually be costing you more money to drive to the location.

To help you figure out which petrol station is best, MoneySuperMarket has a fuel cost calculator you can use. You can also head over to PetrolPrices to compare fuel prices across the UK!

3. Remove any extra weight

Having extra weight in your car can cause you to use more fuel. This is because it makes your car less efficient in terms of fuel. So, make sure you remove any items you don’t need to make your car lighter. The less weight your car has, the more you’re saving on fuel.

4. Try to avoid using air conditioning

Although this might be hard during hot summer months, try to avoid using your air conditioning and open your windows instead. Running the air conditioner setting can increase your fuel usage, especially if you don’t need it on.

5. Change the way you drive

The way you drive also affects how much fuel you use. To reduce how much money you spend on fuel, consider changing the way you drive. It’s good to note that you should avoid speeding and braking, as well as accelerating, harshly. If you drive in this way, you’ll be increasing your fuel usage. Driving in the wrong gear and straining your engine can also increase the amount of fuel you use.


These are the five ways you can reduce your fuel costs, which hopefully has a positive effect on your driving in the future. If you need advice, help or for any enquiries, feel free to get in touch with our car services from our directory here. If your car is currently broken, have a chat with our car repair experts.

If you want to save money as a driver, have a read through these Money Saving Tips for Drivers!

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