Save Your Phone’s Battery Life

phone battery life - person holding smartphone with low battery icon

It’s all happened to us before: forgetting to charge our phones and going about our day thinking that we can charge it later. Only to realise that we forgot the charger too. Although this can be a life-ending situation, all hope is not lost! For those who rely on their phone on a daily basis, have a read through these following ways to save your phone’s battery life!

Turn down your brightness

One obvious way to save your phone and prolong your battery life is to turn down your brightness. This is because your phone’s screen does take up a lot of energy when compared to its other components. So, if you’re watching a show or a film in the dark, make sure you turn down your brightness. If you think that manually turning down the brightness is a hassle, you can turn on auto-brightness to do the job for you!

Make sure you turn off your background apps

A lot of people don’t know that some apps run in the background even if you’ve closed them down. These are usually GPS-based apps such as any map apps like Waze or games like Pokémon GO. Since these apps track your location, it can take a toll on your battery life. By turning off your background apps, you’ll be extending your battery life.

If you have an iPhone, this can simply be done by going on your app manager and swiping the apps. If you have an Android, you can put any unused apps to sleep by accessing background usage limits. It’s also important that you disable any apps that use a lot of power for background activity. These are usually apps like Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp and more. Any weather app you have might be the cause of a drained battery life too.

Turn your location and Bluetooth off

Smartphones usually have built-in GPS, which is useful if you need to know where you’re going. However, if you find that you don’t frequently use your location services, it’s better to turn it off to avoid draining your battery life.

According to The Tile App, “a device that requires a constant, steady Bluetooth connection… will drain a bit of battery.” For example, using Bluetooth headphones to listen to music. But if you don’t need to use it, it’s best to turn it off to give your phone an extra 10-15 minutes of battery life.

Consider using airplane mode

Airplane mode is particularly useful for saving your phone’s energy, especially if you’re actually going abroad. It’s also a good idea to use it if you’re in an area with no coverage since your phone may continue to search for connections, which will only waste its power.

Let your phone turn off faster

As mentioned, your phone’s screen takes up a lot of energy and can drain your phone’s battery life. This is why phones automatically sleep if they haven’t been used for a long time. It’s pointless if your phone screen is on when you’re not even looking at it, so make sure you’re lessening the amount of time for it to sleep to help save your phone’s battery life.


These are a few of the ways you can save your phone’s battery life, which are hopefully useful. For advice, help or for any enquiries, get in touch with our mobile phone experts from our directory here. If you need a new smartphone, visit your local mobile phone shop! If you currently have a broken phone, get it fixed by contacting our phone repair professionals!

If you want to continue saving energy, have a read through this piece on Energy Saving Tips for Your Home!

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