Car Shampoo Alternatives

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Cleaning your car can be a time-consuming task, but for those who love their ride, you want it to look its best. This means putting in the effort to make it look sparkly clean, but you might feel lost if you don’t have car shampoo. If you have to be somewhere and don’t have the time to pop to the shops, try out these car shampoo alternatives you can find at home!

Hair Shampoo & Conditioner

One alternative you can try is regular shampoo for your hair. Unlike washing up liquid or laundry detergent, hair shampoo is known to have less harsh chemicals. This is because hair shampoo comes in contact with our skin, which means it needs to be safe to use. If you plan to use hair shampoo, it’s good to note that you can also purchase conditioner that has lanolin.

Lanolin is also known as wool fat and is frequently used in the cosmetics industry to help with dry skin or hair. By using conditioners that contain this ingredient, you’ll be able to effectively remove grime from your car, making it shiny to the point that even magpies will get attracted to it!

Most DIY car wash enthusiasts recommend baby shampoo too, which is gentle on your car’s paintwork, but might be less effective at completely cleaning your car. When using any shampoo or conditioner, remember to dilute it with water first!

Hand Wash/Soaps

With a similar gentleness to shampoo, hand soaps won’t damage your car’s paintwork. However, it might not be effective at removing any dirt or grime. Hand soap might be difficult to use since it’s usually a smaller amount when compared to shampoos. You’ll need to buy a massive lot in order to wash your whole car.

Baking Soda

Baking soda can be used to clean your home and is usually used on the toughest of stains, but it can also be used to clean your car. In fact, many car experts mix baking soda with other ingredients to clean their vehicles. However, baking soda needs to be mixed with water in the correct water to baking soda ratio. If not, it can lead to severely damaging your paintwork.

Laundry Detergent

Although many people say you can use laundry detergent, you should only use it once. If you keep using laundry detergent, it can cause damage to your car since powerful and harsh chemicals are usually used to remove dirt from your clothes. It can still be used to clean your car but don’t make this long-term. Once again, make sure you use water to dilute it before using it on your car.


These are some of the car shampoo alternatives you can try out to get your car squeaky clean. If you need advice, help or for any enquiries, feel free to get in touch with our car services from our directory here. If your car is currently broken, have a chat with our car repair experts.

If you spend too much money on fuel, have a read through these 5 Ways to Reduce Your Fuel Costs!

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