Stay well this summer, childhood illness, summer holiday activities and managing mental health


Stay well this summer

Summer is here and while the weather is typically British and unpredictable, it’s likely we will experience some particularly hot days or even a heatwave. To avoid a hospital trip or falling unwell, be sure to check out our #Beattheheat tips for an enjoyable summer. The key points to remember are:

  • Stay cool in hot weather by sitting in shaded areas, opening windows when it is cooler outside, investing in an electric fan, wear loose breathable clothing and sit down or alert someone if you feel faint.
  • Drink plenty of water or other water based drinks such as cordial or tea to keep hydrated in hot weather, equally you can eat foods with a high water content such as melon, ice lollies, jellies or soups. Dehydration can make you feel dizzy and tired and can result in a water infection. If you’re worried about needing the toilet frequently avoiding liquids can often make this problem worse.
  • Be allergy aware, many people suffer from hay fever during the summer months due to higher pollen levels. There are plenty of medicines you can buy over the counter to help combat these symptoms. Be aware and prepared for any severe allergies such as bee stings or food allergies and always carry your Epipen.

One of the best things about the summer is eating al fresco and enjoying a BBQ with family and friends, but be BBQ safe and ensure you handle food correctly and avoid cross contamination between raw and cooked food.

Be in the know on childhood illness

It can often seem like children are always unwell and it can be difficult to know when to seek medical help and when to treat at home. The free Mid Essex Child Health app is designed to help parents and carers with children between birth and 11 years to help identify illness and offer advice and point to the relevant local services if necessary.

The app covers conditions including; coughs, colds and flu, diarrhoea and vomiting, chicken pox and measles, earache and tonsillitis, asthma, headlice, bumps and bruises and much more. The app is the ideal companion for the school holidays and trips abroad and includes a helpful section on when to keep children off school for when they go back in September.


Stay active this summer

At the start of the six weeks holidays, those six weeks can seem like a long stretch to keep children entertained. Helpfully, we’ve compiled a list of events and activities for each of the Essex districts to keep children active and entertained and distracted from their devices! See our full list of events here and see below for a selection of our favourite free events taking place in Essex this summer.

  • Braintree District Xplorer Events, various dates across August – These free orienteering events are taking place in Braintree, Halstead and Witham public parks and encourage children to get active outside by finding all the markers on the map.
  • Livewell Family Fun Day, 20th July, Lyons Hall Primary School – Try out new spots and activities and take part in a 3k family fun run in fancy dress! There will also be a treasure hunt and family bike ride.
  • Braintree Museum: Age of the Dinosaurs exhibition launches on 20th July and continues until the new year. There are activities throughout the summer holidays with a different theme each week.
  • The Maize Maze Challenge – From 20th July to 8th September between 10am and 4pm, you can try your hand at finding your way through the great Maize Maze at Blake House Craft Centre. There is a new interactive scarecrow competition, victory bell and mini golf as well as a craft centre and play areas.


The Cake Escape

Explore the countryside on your bike and discover beautiful local cafes part of The Cake Escape! It’s a great scheme that encourages you and your families to get out on your bike and explore new parts of where you live on exciting cycling trails. Just apply online for a free loyalty log book and cycle to any of the participating cafes listed and earn a reward stamp at the till after making a purchase – and the best part is after every four stamps you get, you’ll get a FREE slice of cake at the next participating café you visit!

We’re signing up cafes in the district to create our very own Braintree district map!


Don’t be on your own

It can unfortunately be very common to feel lonely, especially in older age, in an effort to combat this there are a number of events in the district to encourage socialising and meeting new people. There are a number of pubs, cafes and restaurants dotted about the district that run ‘Meet up Mondays’ to help people get out and socialise, and they’re not always on a Monday so look out for your local event.

There is also a free weekly board games session at the Town Hall on Mondays between 10am-12pm and a Social and Tea Dance at The Archer centre on the fourth Thursday of the month between 1.30pm-3pm where you can enjoy free tea and biscuits while either enjoying a dance or sitting back and observing for just £2 entry.


Look after your mental health

If you are struggling with your mental health and feel like you need extra support, did you know there is an app called Silvercloud that can help? This digital CBT course can be accessed without GP referral and can be done in your own time in weekly sessions. The programme consists of informative and interactive modules to help you think better, manage your life and live well. At regular intervals, your MIND supporter will check your progress and provide feedback and guidance.




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