Say No to Plastic – the simple things you can do

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We’ve all seen the devastating effect and the damage done to the natural world caused by plastic waste.

Switching to reusable shopping bags is a way you can do your bit for our planet and be part of the solution.

It was found that in 2014, we each used 140 single-use carrier bags every year!  Since that the 5p carrier bag tax was introduced in 2015, this has dropped to 40 every year.

Have you started using your own reusable cup and choosing refillable bottles instead?

We know it’s been said everywhere, but people still use plastic bottles & cups all the time. Over 7.7 BILLION water bottles are used every year and 2.5 BILLION coffee cups are thrown away

Most coffee shops will be happy to fill your coffee cup – you may even receive a discount!

You can also download the free Refill app to find your nearest station to top up your water for free when on the go, not just in our district, but all over Essex.

Cloth nappies provide a great alternative to disposable nappies and can offer great cost, health and environmental benefits. And Essex County Council has made it easier for you as they offer a £30 refund on the purchase of any cloth nappies! 

Claim your refund


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