Improve the borough with £500K CIL funding

local businesses

Havant Borough Council is urging groups from across the borough to apply for a share of £500k funding to help support their essential infrastructure projects.

Funding has been made available using Community Infrastructure Levy, an income which is generated by new development taking place in the borough.

From Friday 28 June community groups and councillors can submit bids for resources they may need to fund local infrastructure projects in a wide variety of areas including parks, public and open spaces, plus cultural, and community services and facilities.

A range of local infrastructure projects, that could benefit the community, can be nominated providing match funding can be secured by those submitting their bid.

Councillor Tim Pike, Cabinet Lead for Planning, Regeneration and Communities, said: “This is the fifth year of this initiative; so far this year, we have agreed funding for 15 fantastic local schemes receiving funding of over £1.2M from CIL including £125K for projects put forward by community groups.

“This fund is a fantastic opportunity for groups across the borough to submit their projects for consideration, helping to make a real difference to the places we all live, work or visit.

“Big or small, we want as many people as possible to put in bids.”

Community projects that have recently benefitted include funds towards a replacement kitchen for Age Concern, Hayling Island, a new lobby at the Station Theatre also on Hayling Island, improvements to accessibility at St Faiths Church, Havant, renovations to Leigh Park Community Centre and studies to consider extending Hayling Sports Centre and the Acorn Centre, Wecock.

Councillors at Havant Borough Council recently agreed money would also be spent on infrastructure projects including Langstone ‘Flood Protection’ Scheme, improvements to several pedestrian and cycle routes throughout the borough and studies to look into potential highway improvements including Warblington Interchange.

Funds for the Hayling ‘Flood’ Strategy and a feasibility study for Warblington Railway Footbridge were also approved.

If you have a project that could benefit from CIL funding and would like more information on the bidding process and eligibility visit our website at

Groups and organisations who want to nominate a project for CIL funding, have until Friday 9 August to submit their bids.


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