Westgate-on-Sea Town Council on the move


Westgate-on-Sea Town Council are pleased to announce that they are moving from their current premises at 11 Ethelbert Square, CT8 8SR to a new larger premise at 78 St Mildreds Road, CT8 8RF.

The move due to happen on 1st July will allow the council to expand its services, open for longer, have a more accessible location and provide additional community space.

The new space formally Birchington Brides will be almost double the size of the current premises, which will allow Westgate-on-Sea Town Council to deliver more local services.

As well as being able to open longer hours each day, the new space will also house a Food Bank, Tourist Information Point, Ticket Office and Recycling Location.

Moving to 78 St Mildreds Road will also allow the council to move all meetings in house rather than paying to hold them in other locations which will provide a saving in their annual budget.

It is also hoped that the new space will be able to be a host location to many new community-based services and classes building on the success they have had with things such as CPR & Defib Classes and Bumblebee Wildlife Training.

Westgate-on-Sea Town Council are also keen to start developing its own revenue streams to be able to put money back into community projects, as such the new space is hoped to be rented and used privately for exhibitions, events, gallery space, launches and community events which will not affect the day to day running of the council offices but will bring in additional revenue.

The move will not see any additional costs to residents.

Chairperson Martyn Pennington said, “The new premises not only offer good value for money but will be open to all the community as a facility”.


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