Uckfield’s Community Orchestra

Mark Dennis moved to utterly lovely Uckfield eight years ago, when he did so he joined our Community Orchestra, as of January 2020 Mark Dennis has proudly called himself Chairman of the UCO. From a terrific trumpet player to the chairman CommunityAd spoke to Mark of his journey and why the orchestra is having a positive effect on the community.

For readers unaware tell us a little about what the UCO offer?

The Uckfield Community Orchestra is a unique orchestra which offers people a chance to play classical and modern music in an orchestra whether you are a new starter (min age 8) or an adult who may not have played for some time, but wish to make music in a fun and relaxed environment.

Why is it so important for a young growing mind to have access to the arts and music?

Music is the number one passion/hobby for young people in the UK and approximately 67% partake in a form of music making activity. Is it also essential for building strong relationships, provides a feeling of belonging and contributes to their all rounded education. Classical music improves young people’s concentration and verbal skills, and also enables them to gain more self-esteem.

Do you have any inspiring stories of how music has positively affected one of our youngsters life?

Seven years ago the orchestra had a stall at the Uckfield Big Day out. During the day to promote the orchestra my daughter (Honey then aged 8) was asked to hold a violin and bow – she actually attempted to play the violin and the conductor of the orchestra (Sundari Heller) said that she showed great promise. Honey then commenced lessons with Sundari, and 4 years later joined the orchestra playing in the second violins. She has progressed greatly and has now been the leader of the orchestra for the past 3 years. Without the Uckfield Community Orchestra, Honey would not have taken up playing the violin and would have missed out on this life-changing opportunity. She is now almost 15 and taking GCSE music at Uckfield College. She also plays in the Buxted Symphony Orchestra, South Downs Youth Orchestra and East Sussex String Chamber Orchestra.

What would you say to a reader of any age reading this and thinking to themselves, I’d love to give it a go?

If you are interested in making music then we would love to see you! Please come along to a rehearsal – it does not matter what level you are as we all learn and have fun together.

Currently we don’t have any concerts planned, but there should be a summer performance (details to follow).

We meet at Foresters Hall in Uckfield on Wednesdays (term-time) from 6.15pm to 8pm – we look forward to seeing you!

Contact details:

Mark Dennis (01825 370234)

[email protected]



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