How to Remove Ink Stains

remove ink stains - person washing ink off blue shirt under tap

We’ve all been a bit clumsy and accidentally splashed some ink on us. This can be from a pen or from replacing the ink in your printer. Ink can be frustrating to deal with since it can get everywhere: on clothes, on your skin and even on fabric furniture. If you’re currently dealing with ink stains, read on for how to remove them.

Ink can easily get on clothes and stain them, but if you’re worried about ruining your favourite top or shirt, worry not! It can still be saved. The first step you should do is to figure out what type of ink it is. Is it water-based such as ink from washable markers and ink cartridges, or is it permanent ink? By figuring this out, you’ll have an idea of what to do to remove it. Just a tip, though, make sure you treat the stain when it’s fresh. Don’t let it dry out!

Using liquid detergent

If you’re dealing with water-based ink, liquid detergent should do the trick!

Blot the stain

Before blotting the stain, apply water first, and then you can proceed to blot it with another cloth. While blotting, the ink stain should transfer onto the cloth.

Add detergent

Once blotting is done, place liquid detergent onto the stain and let it sit for about 3-5 minutes.

Wash with hot water

After 3-5 minutes have passed, wash it normally with hot water, but make sure it’s a temperature suitable for the fabric. Before you leave your clothing to dry, check to see whether the stain has been removed. If there are remnants of the stain still present, repeat the process.

Using rubbing alcohol

Rubbing alcohol, also known as surgical spirit or isopropyl alcohol, is said to be effective on permanent ink stains. However, it’s good to note that permanent ink may be difficult to remove completely. The ink will probably fade, but you’ll most likely still see a mark.

Test the fabric

It’s essential to test the fabric first since rubbing alcohol can damage your clothes. Try testing the rubbing alcohol on a hidden seam. If it doesn’t seem damaged, proceed to the next step!

Blot the stain with rubbing alcohol

Using a cloth, blot rubbing alcohol onto the stain. By doing this, the stain becomes diluted, making it easier to remove in the wash. Repeat this until you can’t remove anymore ink. Once done, rinse the stained area multiple times.

If you’re dealing with ink from a ballpoint pen, use rubbing alcohol and apply liquid detergent afterwards. Leave it to sit for 3-5 minutes and then rinse.

Wash with hot water

Once the previous steps are done, you can then wash your item of clothing, but only do so if the stain is gone. Make sure you wash it with the hottest water safe for the fabric. If the stain is still there, mix oxygen-based bleach and water, and let your clothing soak in the mixture. Repeat this process if the stain persists.

Using nail polish remover

If the above methods don’t work, try the same steps but use non-acetone nail polish remover instead. However, nail polish remover can damage fabrics, so make sure you test it first!

Using hairspray

Most hairsprays contain alcohol, but this alcohol content is less nowadays. If you want to try this method, look for hairsprays that have a high alcohol content. Thoroughly spray the stain and then blot it with a cloth until it’s gone. Wash your clothing afterwards.

Using vinegar and corn starch

If you’re not a big fan of vinegar, it’s best to avoid this method unless you’re totally fine with pinching your nose throughout. If the vinegary smell doesn’t bother you, this method might be your clothing’s saviour!

Pour some vinegar onto the stain and then create a paste using vinegar and corn starch. Work this paste into the stained area and let it dry afterwards. If it’s completely dry, you can then proceed to wash it.


These are some methods you can try to remove ink stains, which hopefully helps to fix your problem. For help, advice, or for any enquiries, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our cleaners and cleaning services.

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