6 Ways to Transform Your Home Office

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Working from home has become a necessity nowadays, so a good office space is essential. For some, their office is just a normal room, but others love sprucing up a space and making it their own. If you want to improve your decorating skills and add a pop of colour in a bland setting, read on for the six different ways to transform your home office!

Get rid of the clutter

One way to transform your home office is to remove any clutter. Rubbish does a great job of building up when you leave it to its own devices. Before you know it, you’re rummaging through old receipts and crumpled up notes. You may think that you can still go about your day, but this can have a negative effect on you mentally. A messy space can lead to feeling distracted and being less productive. Plus, you won’t be able to relax and it won’t help you think.

Add some plants

You can live your plant mum dreams by adding some greenery in your office. According to experts, plants can increase productivity and reduce stress in a working environment. So, pop a plant on your window sill or on your desk for a good sense of wellbeing.

Personalise the space

Add a personal touch to your space to make it lively! This will also make you more willing to work in your office. Set up photos of family and friends, art work that you love, inspirational quotes and decorations that you like. For example, fairy lights or mood lighting to brighten things up if you have little to no windows.

Update your furniture

If your room is looking a bit dull and you have old furniture, consider updating it. Purchase some new furniture that matches your interior and/or the aesthetic you want. One good investment to make is buying a good quality office chair. If you’re working from home, you’ll want to make sure you’re comfortable. You don’t want to be doing work with a bad posture while feeling sore and cramped.

Add a mirror

For those with a small office space, hanging up a mirror will do the trick! It will give the illusion of a large space, which will help make you feel less confined and claustrophobic. However, make sure you choose an appropriate spot for it. You don’t want to be looking at yourself while working since it can be a bit distracting…

Upcycle any useful items

If you’re looking to save some money, consider upcycling items you can find around your house. You can use them to store stationery and hang up important items. For example, upcycled old jam jars are perfect for storing your pens and any miscellaneous items; a string and wooden pegs are also good for hanging things up! This is a great way for you to be creative too!


These are the six different ways you can transform your home office, which hopefully helps! For advice or for any enquiries, get in touch with our home improvement experts from our directory here. Alternatively, you can also contact any of our office supplies and services!

For more home improvements galore, have a look through our home improvement trades section here.

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