5 Tips for Being More Productive

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It can be easy to get into the habit of procrastination, especially if you get distracted easily. Once you find yourself procrastinating a lot, it’s then difficult to get into a focused mindset, but all hope is not lost! If you’re someone who finds it hard to stay in the zone, here are some five tips for being more productive.

1. Avoid a complex to-do list

To-do lists are a great way to make sure you don’t stray from your tasks, but don’t let yourself get carried away! Having too much on your to-do list can be overwhelming, which can actually deter you from doing them. Writing down tasks that aren’t equal to each other can also make you feel like you can’t complete them. For example, there are some tasks that can take a long time to do and some tasks that don’t take up much of your time.

To make sure you’re completing your to-do list, try to create a reasonable list with simple tasks to accomplish throughout the day. It’s also a good idea to categorise them. So, if you need to do certain tasks in the morning, make a morning to-do list and so on!

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2. Break down your tasks

With every project or task you do, it may seem too large and overwhelming. By breaking down your tasks and setting small goals, you’re not stressing yourself out and you’ll find that it can easily be accomplished.

When breaking down your tasks, understand what you need to do and think about who you need to talk to first, as well as the pieces you need.

3. Make sure you focus on one goal at a time

Focusing on one goal at a time allows you to be more productive since you’re not putting too much on your plate. If you try to do more than one task at the same time, this can lead to a burnout and you’ll want to avoid working for the rest of the day. By focusing on your goals separately, you’re working at a steady pace! It will also be satisfying to tick a task off.

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4. Try to do the hardest task first

After making a to-do list, some people find it difficult to know where to start. If this sounds like you, try to begin with the hardest task first. You’ll usually be less distracted in the morning, which will make it easier for you to focus on the hard tasks. The whole day will also become a breeze once you’ve tackled the most difficult task on your list!

5. Separate yourself from distractions

We all check our phones once in a while, but this is the enemy of productivity. Checking your phone can lead to hours of mindlessly scrolling, and before you know it, you’re distracted. So, make sure you separate yourself from any distractions. For example, putting your phone on silent or in a different room. It’s also a good idea to have an office where you can focus, especially if you work from home.


These are some of the five tips you can take note of to be more productive. For advice, help or for any enquiries, get in touch with our health and wellbeing experts from our directory here.

To make sure you’re taking care of yourself, have a read through this piece on the 5 Ways to Practise Self Care, which might help.

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