#PassOnPlastic with the West Sussex Climate Pledge

care leavers

West Sussex County Council is asking residents to pass on plastic as part of the West Sussex Climate Pledge. The Council is already taking action to avoid unnecessary plastic waste across the County and in May launched its Plastics Action Plan.

The environmental impact of single-use plastic is well documented and plastic bottles now make up a third of all plastic pollution in the ocean.
Going completely plastic free would be very difficult for most people.

However, reducing single use plastic and finding alternatives can make a real difference, as well as being more aware of which plastic can and cannot be recycled.

Simple steps to pass on plastic include
• Using refillable containers
• Buying loose products
• Carrying a refillable water bottle and downloading the Refill app
• Bringing your own reusable shopping bags
• Using alternatives to plastic
• Planning ahead when on the go
• Reusing plastic where possible

The West Sussex Climate Pledge encourages residents to reduce the effects of climate change by making small changes to their lives.

West Sussex County Council Cabinet Member for the Environment, Deborah Urquhart, said:
“For the Climate Pledge we want to ensure that we not only increase the amount of plastic we recycle but also reduce the amount of plastic we use full stop.

“Many different types of plastic can be recycled in West Sussex in our kerbside recycling bins such as tubs, trays, bottles and pots but priority should be given to finding alternatives to plastic where possible.

“I encourage all residents to make the West Sussex Climate Pledge and start making small changes to their lives to help combat climate change.”

West Sussex County Council launched the Think Before You Throwcampaign to help residents identify what items can be recycled to reduce the amount recyclable materials ending up in the wrong bin.

West Sussex County Council published its Plastics Action Plan on 28 May 2019.

For more information on the West Sussex Climate Pledge and to sign-up for further tips and advice please visit our campaign page.

You can also follow @WSClimatePledge on Twitter, join the Facebook group ‘WS Climate Pledge’ or email the team.


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