A New Deal for Renting

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The government has launched a consultation on ‘A New Deal for Renting’ that explores rebalancing the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants. This consultation follows the announcement in April that the Government intends to end ‘no fault’ evictions.

The consultation sets out how section 21 of the Housing Act 1988 would be removed and seeks views on the structure of the tenancy system in the future. The consultation also provides an opportunity to review a number of the other grounds for eviction that will still be available to landlords, to ensure that they can gain possession of their property when it is fair and reasonable to do so. Responding to the consultation will help ensure the widest possible range of views are heard.


Understanding the Barriers Tenants Face in Providing a Second Deposit


The government wants to make moving between tenancies easier. On 27 June they published a Tenancy Deposit Reform call for evidence.

The Government is keen to know what can be done to speed up the return of deposits to tenants at the end of the tenancy and consider whether existing initiatives to address deposit affordability are meeting tenants’ needs and whether the market can offer improved products. The call for evidence sets out some innovative approaches that could be taken to help tenants move more easily.

The call for evidence builds on the work of the Tenancy Deposit Protection Working Group, which has been looking at whether improvements can be made to deposit protection to the benefit of tenants and landlords. You can make a response to the Call for Evidence here.


We want to work with you!

We are looking to work with more Landlords and agents in the private rented sector to find homes for customers of the Housing Options Service.

If you have a property that you are looking to rent, contact us today for further information on how we can work in partnership with you.


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