Good for ewe lads! Council workers rescue fallen lamb


A pair of council waste workers turned into animal rescuers when they spotted a lamb trapped in a ditch during their morning rounds.

Lewes District Council waste operatives Matthew Liddy and Luiz Sanchez sprang into action after noticing the stranded lamb while driving along Lewes Road.

They pulled over and then climbed through the undergrowth to free the young animal. After checking the lamb had no injuries they released it into the adjoining field where it was reunited with its mother.

“Matthew and Luiz waited to see if the lamb was okay and once he trotted back to his Mum, they continued on their way,” said Darren Liddy, a charge hand based at the Robinson Road depot, who is also Matthew’s father.

“It didn’t take them long but their act of kindness freed a young animal from a very distressing situation.”

However, it seems the pair remain sheep-ish about their heroic deed. Darren added: “They are considerate young men and quite shy so aren’t the kind of people to go round telling others about what they did.”

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