Essex County Council Fostering Service


With exciting new changes taking place for the Essex County Council Fostering service, it has never been a better time to talk to us about your interest in fostering. We value our foster carers and know that stable foster placements provide the best experience for our children in care.

At present around 100 families are needed in Essex to foster children with a particular need for foster carers for siblings, older children and children with disabilities.

Here you will find out information about what is fosteringcan you fosterthe ways to foster and why and what you could earn. You can also read about our foster carers and the children who need fostering as well as the training and support available.

As an Essex Foster Carer, the rewards are huge and we will work with you every step of the way during your journey to becoming a foster carer. If you want to take the next step we’d love to hear from you.

If you have another question that’s not covered here, please get in touch. We’re always happy to answer any question about fostering, or just have a friendly chat.

Myth busting

There are many myths surrounding who can foster, meaning that many people rule themselves out as possible foster carers unnecessarily.  Find out more about these common misconceptions by watching our foster carer tell their story in the film below.

Myth: I can’t foster if I have a young family


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