County Council launches useful links and guidance on new Brexit web page for Hampshire

half term

As central Government launches a new campaign to ‘get ready for Brexit’, Hampshire County Council has published easy to find guidance for residents and local businesses on its web site.

Councillor Andrew Joy, Hampshire County Council’s Executive Member for Communities, Partnerships and External Affairs including BREXIT, said: “Hampshire County Council has been preparing for the UK’s exit from the EU for some time now, assessing possible impacts and working with our partners to identify and mitigate potential risks. Our new web page has useful links, guidance and information on what the County Council has been doing in the background to make sure Hampshire is as prepared as possible which I hope residents and businesses will find useful.”

“While we will continue to call on central Government for timely and detailed information to help us – and residents and local businesses – get ready for the impact of the UK leaving the EU, I would like to reassure all those who live and work in Hampshire that we are doing all we can to identify and mitigate risks. This involves all aspects of our work, including health and well-being, the economy and transport infrastructure.

“For example, as one of the organisations in the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Local Resilience Forum, we have prepared a 5km stretch of the A31 as a part in a contingency plan to manage a potential increase in traffic and congestion in South Hampshire, in the event the Port of Portsmouth is affected by a no deal EU exit; and we have well established processes in place to respond to a wide range of scenarios, such as disruption to critical supplies.

Useful information for Hampshire residents and local businesses, details of Hampshire’s preparations, as well as links to key information from central Government, is available at:

Councillor Joy continued: “Our focus continues to be on the continuity and quality of service delivery for Hampshire residents, and protecting the social and economic resilience of the wider area. Anticipating the impact of Brexit is a challenge for local government in the face of significant uncertainty, but we are committed to doing all we can to prepare Hampshire.”


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