Brogdale Collections need your votes!

Brogdale Collections need your votes!

Brogdale Collections need your help!

Aviva Community Fund are offering some fantastic funding to help Brogdale develop their World Music Garden.

Help them get their funding by voting for their project.
The World Music Garden will be a fun interactive garden of sounds, music and exploration for all.

Brogdale Collections wants to help young & old discover music and it’s therapeutic effects. The garden will be especially helpful to people normally excluded from musical exploration.

The World Music Garden will be inclusive of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. It will provide a unique outdoor musical experience where individuals, families, groups. Communities can come together to explore music-making through the use of custom-made, all-weather musical instruments from different continents and cultures set in the environment of their beautiful orchards and countryside.
Visitors will be able to interact with giant tubular gongs, outdoor Xylophone, aluminium bat phone and log drums plus detailed information boards.

Just one click can help so vote now!


Voting closes 21st November 2017

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