Autumn countryside walks and more 🍂


Hands, Face, Space – play your part to Keep Hampshire Safe this autumn.

Over the last week there has been a small increase in the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Hampshire, with overall infection rates rising slightly, yet well below the England average. With the general upwards trend in the number of cases, it is critical that we all play our part to Keep Hampshire Safe. Don’t forget: Hands, Face, Space and stick to the rule of six or we could face another hard lockdown. Keep up to date with what’s happening across Hampshire.

Help shape the way we travel

What’s great about walking and cycling in Hampshire? How easy do you find it to use a scooter, pushchair, wheelchair or mobility scooter? Tell us about what needs to be improved by completing our short survey. Let us know the good and the bad, and your views will help us shape future transport schemes. Take our Active Places survey here.

Kickstart for skills and employment

We’re putting in place a raft of support to help residents get into work if they have become unemployed or had difficulty finding work after leaving education or training, due to COVID-19. The plan will help to get Hampshire’s economy back on its feet by building on, and complementing, national initiatives to promote employment and reduce the number of people who are out of work.

Apply now for Year 7 school places

Calling all parents of children in Year 6, at a primary or junior school. You can now apply for their place at a secondary school for September 2021. Applying online is easy, secure and allows you to make changes to your application right up to the closing date and view the outcome. The deadline for receipt of applications is midnight on 31 October 2020 and the notification date is 1 March 2021.

Wear not, waste not this autumn

The UK throws away 300,000 tonnes of clothing every year, which amounts to one third of clothing going to waste rather than being reused or recycled. If you had a wardrobe declutter over lockdown, why not help the planet, and your pocket, by hiring, swapping or restyling your way to a new wardrobe? Find out how to wear not, waste not, with some sustainable fashion tips from our Smart Living team.

Join our ‘Cuppa with a Carer’ events

If you’re interested in fostering, grab a cuppa
and sit down with our experts to find out what it is really like. Throughout September and October our experienced foster carers will be hosting virtual question and answer sessions. Right now there are more than 1,600 children in care in Hampshire. Find out how you could make a huge difference to a child’s life.

Heartfelt thanks to volunteers

“Whether collecting medicine for shielding residents, delivering food and household supplies, or checking in on elderly or vulnerable neighbours – every act of kindness and solidarity has made a marked difference.” Read our thanks for the tremendous work of Hampshire’s army of volunteers responding to the needs of communities during the coronavirus outbreak.

Thousands more apply for EUSS

The number of successful applications by Hampshire residents to the Government’s EU Settlement Scheme continues to increase.
Latest figures show that approximately 80% of Hampshire’s EU citizens had signed up to the Scheme by the end of June. Support and advice is available for those needing help with the online form or with complex cases.

Top spots for autumn walks

With autumn in the air, there’s plenty to enjoy about walks in Hampshire’s countryside. With low sun, colours of red and gold and tempting piles of scrunchy leaves, not to mention the all-round benefits of physical exercise, why not get closer to nature this autumn.  Our Countryside team share their top spots for walks this season.

Heritage Open Days for all this week

Celebrate Hampshire’s history and beauty with Heritage Open Days this week. From activities and exhibitions in our stunning countryside, this year we have virtual tours and online screenings that can be enjoyed from the comfort of your sofa. Join us for a tour of the secret and hidden places of The Great Hall, Winchester or discover hidden nature trails and take a virtual tour through the history of Lepe and its surrounding area from 70,000BC

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