Nature Tots at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve

We’re blessed to live in this part of the world where beauty and vastness is still accessible to all. Rye and its thriving wildlife and nature should be preserved and protected but also it should be enjoyed.


That’s why CommunityAd like the sound of Nature Tots coming out of the Rye Harbour Nature Reserve and had the pleasure of a brief Q&A with Natasha Sharma the Sussex Wildlife Trust Communities and Wildlife Officer.


So, Natasha what’s Nature Tots all about?

Nature Tots is a play-based morning of fun, activity and exploration in the great outdoors, with learning progressed over a five-week programme.

It’s where you can discover the world of frogs and snails and nature trails this spring with a wonderful adventure for 3–5-year-olds. Expect hands on play, stories, craft and skill in the great outdoors. Drink and snack included and sessions take place on Wednesday mornings, 10am -12pm.


Who can come? Do parents come along too?

It’s for children aged 3-5 years old, who are accompanied by a parent or carer.


Where does it take place?

We are mostly based outside in the log circle, beach and saltmarsh at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve.


What sort of thing happens?

We run sessions based around the seasons and wildlife at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve, we do craft, songs, stories, physical challenges and fun.


What if I’ve got more than one little one?

Ideally, we prefer one parent for each child to help with some activities, but it’s also possible to come with two of your own children.


What does it cost?

Each session costs £5 for Sussex Wildlife Trust members, or £7 for non-members.


What would we need to bring?

Come dressed for the weather, with warm waterproof layers, wellies and gloves for cold days and long sleeves, trousers and sun cream for hot days. A snack, drink and mug are provided, but do bring your own water/drink and snack as well.


For more info and to book your tot in to Nature Tots, head to the Sussex Wildlife Trust website.

by Dave McKenna

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