The Overton Cup – One cup to rule them all

Overton has set the bar with its sustainable efforts over the last few years and it’s been brilliant to see so much national coverage for the Sustainable Scheme, so we checked in with Sarah who’s been busy to say the very least.


So, Sarah, the Overton Cup has gone national, you must be pleased firstly with the locals’ backing of the concept but also the national reaction?

Absolutely. We are delighted that this project to minimise use of single-use disposable cups in our village has been met with so much enthusiasm from the local community. The businesses taking part and their customers have all been so supportive, and our brightly coloured Overton Cups are popping up everywhere around the village! Not only that but Sustainable Overton has been contacted by parishes, towns, businesses and organisations across the entire country as a result of the great national publicity we’ve had. It’s been wonderful.


People are now looking at Overton and aiming to replicate the village’s sustainable mission, which is great, isn’t it?

It certainly is. The Overton Cup is just one of Sustainable Overton’s initiatives and one of many projects being run as part of the Plastic Free Overton campaign. Seeing that we’re making a difference locally is fantastic, but knowing that we’re helping to spread the ‘sustainability’ word and inspire change in other communities is even better! Inspiring small but meaningful changes in others is the biggest way an individual or small group of individuals can really make a difference when it comes to environmental sustainability.


What’s on the agenda for Sustainable Overton this summer?

Sustainable Overton is busier than it’s ever been! We have recently set up the Overton Nappy Library (where families can trial reusable nappies and wipes before they hire or buy), and in the summer our Repair Café will hopefully launch as part of the reopened Sustainable Overton Saturday Markets. We are setting up an energy co-operative to generate renewable energy locally. We are running a zero-food waste challenge, and are continuing to run local campaigns such as No Engine Idling, Walk To School, and No Mow May. We are always recruiting more businesses and community groups as Plastic Free Champions and Allies. We even have a few projects lined up in follow-up to the Overton Cup – watch this space for The Overton Bag!


Am I right in thinking that summer creates more plastic problems, I’m thinking disposable glasses etc, what would you like to say to readers with this mind as we head towards a social summer?

Sadly single-use plastic waste is definitely a year-round problem. But yes, more single-use items may be around in the summer as we picnic outside and (hopefully) host al fresco summer parties and BBQs again! The main thing is to think ahead a little and avoid single-use items wherever you can. There are so many alternatives. From using Tupperware and beeswax wraps for your food, to taking your own reusable drinks bottles with you while you’re out and about, and asking for refills. If you can, spend a little more time preparing your own food from scratch for days out and picnics, to avoid buying plastic-wrapped ready-made supermarket options.

Of course, even investing in some sturdier plastic glasses which can be washed up and reused time and time again is a more sustainable option than disposables for your summer socialising. Make sure you bring your picnic rubbish home with you (and recycle the bits which can be recycled). And check out Plastic Free July as a way to find out what more you can do! If everyone can make a few changes then collectively we can make a big difference. Remember to try and share what you are doing with others – spread the word for a more sustainable summer!


Anything else you’d like to add at all?

If anyone is feeling inspired to get involved, please get in touch with us at Sustainable Overton. We’d love to hear from you!


Find out more about the schemes mentioned above, the Overton Cup, and get involved via the Sustainable Overton website!

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