Keep River Lawn Green in Tonbridge

After five long years of campaigning, the residents of Tonbridge – together as Keep River Lawn Green – have won their fight to keep River Lawn as a green space within the town.


CommunityAd caught up with Emma Hood, leader of the group Keep River Lawn Green to find out the next steps.


Tonbridge residents have been working to save River Lawn for years, so you must be very pleased that the council have finally listened to the people.

We are ecstatic that TMBC have agreed to cancel the sale of River Lawn and their opposition to the approved footpaths on the land. TMBC Cabinet have yet to make the final decision so we are keeping everything crossed.


How will keeping River Lawn green be better for Tonbridge than developing the land?

The land was never intended for development. Tonbridge Urban District Council purchased the land in the 1920s to give employment to war veterans. They transformed the area from a cholera infested part of the town to a place to be used for enjoyment and recreation.

The Urban District Council were approached on several occasions by organisations such as the British Legion and the council advised that “the land was bought with tax payers’ money to further the scheme of beautifying the River Walk, and that the Council have no more power to grant the use of this land to a section of the public, however deserving than they have to permit, let us say, the Salvation Army to place a hall on the Castle lawn”.

River Lawn is also in a conservation area and has many mature trees dotted within its boundaries. The area floods and it really isn’t a suitable area to build upon.


What are the plans for River Lawn, now that you’ve won your case?

We hope the land will either be given Village Green status or a covenant put on it so that it will be safe from development for future generations to enjoy. A kiosk could be added to provide refreshments and maybe a few more benches. This area lends itself as a natural waiting room for people using the nearby Medical Centre facilities, as well as being a peaceful haven away from the busy high street to eat your lunch or just relax for a while.


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