Deal Cares – Ukraine Appeal

Donna Walker, like many readers, would have felt a sense of dread and horror watching the war in Ukraine unfold.


Donna’s relentless need to do something and desire to help those innocent people of Ukraine has compelled her to do exactly that, with a Ukraine appeal.


Initially, Donna aimed to help fill James Robert Defriend’s van with supplies as the absolute gent readied his motor for a trip to Poland and the Ukrainian border so he could deliver supplies to those most in need.


Within a few hours of seeking supplies and donations Donna and her team were completely overwhelmed. The generosity and volume of supplies surpassed their initial thinking. Donna and father Patrick McNicholas were joined by Alex Sartain who was able to connect the volunteers with some amazing hauliers, Maciej Wildski of Crostline LTD, who are travelling back to Poland and more than happy to take supplies with them.


Now the operation is somewhat massive as the volunteers are organising all of the donations onto the correct pallets, sorting out all the export documentation and not filling one hero’s van, but 54-foot lorries. Alex, who has seen his family home go up in flames at the start of February, (read more here) has along with partner Elle and child Marnie spent hours sorting the donations and tells CommunityAd that blankets are a priority (non-woollen blankets) as EU laws make wool and meat products impossible to ship out.


An incredible effort and incredible generosity. Donna would like to say “Thank you to everyone, all of the shops, businesses, people of Deal, Dover and beyond for your amazing generosity, fundraising and efforts in making this happen. We will keep going until we are no longer needed”.


Donated items can also be dropped directly to the warehouse:

Crostline Ltd

Port Richborough

Ramsgate Road


CT13 9DE.


CommunityAd love to see how much Deal cares! Our community should be proud of how they’ve helped and continue to help with the Ukraine appeal. Keep your eyes peeled for future updates in your local Deal CommunityAd magazine.

by Matthew Hemmings

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