Getting to know Burgess Hill Town Mayor Cllr Anne Eaves

At the beginning of May, the new Burgess Hill Town Mayor Cllr Anne Eaves was elected and made history in the process becoming the first ever councillor from the Green Party to be appointed as Mayor.


CommunityAd was able to catch up with Burgess Hill Town Mayor Cllr Anne Eaves as we discussed her background in Burgess Hill, chosen charity for the year and aims for the year as Mayor…


Can you explain to readers your background within the local area leading up to your position of Town Mayor?

My husband and I have lived in Mill Road for 19 years, and before that, we were in Brighton. Locals may know that back in 2017 I initiated the phone box scheme, whereby local volunteers restored our remaining red phone boxes and turned them into libraries, seed swaps, etc: there are six of them now. These have been a big hit during COVID, especially when the library was shut. Then I was elected onto the town council in 2019, and one of my first acts was to set up the Repair Café (now located in The Kiln). It’s open on the second Saturday of every month and people can get their broken items repaired by volunteers in return for a donation.


What are you most looking forward to as Burgess Hill Town Mayor?

What’s great about being Mayor is you get to meet so many wonderful people. You meet people who train youngsters to play sport, or care for people with disabilities, or people who set up clubs or classes of various sorts to prevent loneliness. This town has so much community spirit, and the Mayor gets to witness that first hand.


What are your aims as Town Mayor in 2021/22?

I’m hoping to do something towards Prince Charles’ project, “Plant a Tree for the Jubilee” (the Queen’s platinum jubilee is next year).

The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) is a tree planting initiative created to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022. Everyone across the UK is being invited to plant trees from October 2021, when the tree planting season begins, through to the end of the Jubilee year in 2022.

There are places in town which could do with more trees, and we’re all going to appreciate more shade as the summers get hotter. But this idea all depends on the landowners, as the town council itself hardly owns any land.


What is your chosen charity as Mayor and what were your reasons for choosing them?

The Kangaroos, who help children with disabilities. I have friends who have a disabled child and I realise what a constant struggle it is to get any help or get the family’s needs recognised. I also attended a wonderful Kangaroos summer fete as Deputy Mayor, before COVID struck, which enhanced my awareness of how much they do for families.


If a local reader would like to reach out and enquire about the possibility of inviting you to an event, what would be the best method for this?

Anyone who wants to contact the mayor should email [email protected] or call 01444 238212. If people wish to write in and invite me they can always post an invitation to Burgess Hill Town Mayor, Cllr Anne Eves, c/o Sara Moss, Burgess Hill Town Council, 96 Church Walk, Burgess Hill, RH15 9AS or hand it in at the Help Point or put through our letterbox located to the right-hand side of our large glass fronted windows of the Town Council office.


Away from your Mayoral duties, what are your hobbies and interests and what do you enjoy most about living in Burgess Hill?

I’m very much into wildlife: during COVID I’ve been learning to recognise birdsong. I also enjoy gardening (again, mostly for wildlife) and I play golf.

I enjoy being able to walk or cycle all over town within minutes. I am so proud of our Green Circle and all the new paths that have been resurfaced recently. And I love the way, whenever you go out, you meet someone you know: that would never happen in London!


You can follow Burgess Hill Mayor Cllr Anne Eaves on the official Burgess Hill Mayor Facebook page to keep up to date on her work for the local community.

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