The Pros and Cons of UV Filtration

UV filtration

UV filtration stands for ultra-violet filtration and is a system that doesn’t use chemicals when filtering water. Instead, it utilises the power of ultra-violet light to disinfect water and removes any bacteria or virus present. This system also doesn’t produce any waste and doesn’t add any by-products to your water. If you’re thinking about installing a filtration system, particularly a UV filtration system, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons.


  • It’s energy efficient and cost effective since the system uses wattage similar to a lightbulb.
  • It’s chemical-free and only uses the UV light. The taste and colour of your water is also not affected.
  • It’s easy and quick to clean since the process of purifying water is fast, which means you’ll instantly get water.
  • It’s safe to use since water filtration will take place in a closed container, which means you won’t be exposed to any UV light.
  • It’s easy to maintain and will only require the replacement of a lightbulb and a standard filter each year.


  • It will need electricity to run, so the system will need to have access to an electrical supply. If an electrical supply isn’t available, you won’t be able to install the system and won’t have access to clean water.
  • The system won’t remove all of the impurities present in your water. Although it will remove bacteria and viruses, it’s not effective on dissolved impurities, such as rust and fluoride. UV filtration is also not effective when used in muddy water. Therefore, if you decide to use this system in muddy water, you may still need to do chemical treatment even after the UV filtration is complete.

If you choose to install a UV filtration system, it’s usually better to use the system together with a water treatment system that cleans your water before it passes through the UV filtration. This combination will work by treating the water first and then any bacteria and virus is treated by the UV water filter.


This is what a UV filtration does and the pros and cons of installing the system in your home. Before installing the system, it’s always best to consult a trusted provider and an expert. Our article on the Different Types of Water Filters might help you choose an alternative if this system isn’t for you. However, for any enquiries, don’t hesitate to contact any of our plumbing services here.

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